⭐️Various Colors and Sizes - Compared with other star pimple patches, our star pimple patches come in a big pack of 280pcs, and offer you 3 sizes: 10mm(70 counts), 12mm (140 counts), and 14mm (70 counts), 7 Colors star-shaped for your choice, choose the best size for your affected area
⭐️Natural Ingredients - Daolyo pimple patches for face use with natural ingredients, which include tea tree oil, salicylic acid, calendula oil. These star acne patches are ideal for absorbing gunks from acne, safe and non-stimulating on all skin types (even sensitive)
⭐️Excellent Adhesion: The star pimple patches are made of hydrocolloid, which is skin-friendly, breathable, and waterproof. With excellent adhesion, the pimple stickers and acne stickers won't fall off even turning and pillow squeezing all night. The acne dots can be easily removed in the morning without redness or irritation. This spot patch is a hydrocolloid patch that accelerates the blemish spot treatment overnight
⭐️Fashionable & Cute Designs: Colorful stars make your life wonderful and make pimples cute again with these adorable and effective acne dots, and fit lots of occasions such as costume parties, weddings, festival parties, shopping, travel, concerts, and so on. Decorate with these cute and effective pimple patches to make you more cute
⭐️Vegan & Cruelty-Free Formula: Our star acne patches are made with a clean formula that is alcohol-free, does not contain harmful chemicals, is cruelty-free, and vegan-friendly